• Do you experience fatigue and digestive problems?

    Do you experience fatigue and digestive problems?

    The Connection Between Gut Health and Energy Levels Your gut health influences much more in your life than just your digestion. It’s connected to your immune system, metabolic function, and mental health.   Get ready to discover the secrets to increasing and sustaining your energy levels NATURALLY.   Whether you’re a professional athlete, weekend warrior, busy professional or a parent on the go, knowing...
  • Fasting during Chemotherapy & Other Chronic Illnesses

    Fasting during Chemotherapy & Other Chronic Illnesses

    by Dr. Edison de Mello It Boosts Immunity & It likely minimizes the side effects of chemotherapy, making it more effective. Let's start by describing the difference between calorie restriction (CR) versus intermittent fasting (IF). Calorie restriction involves limiting food consumption, while fasting involves not eating for varying lengths of time. A vast body of research shows that fasting has been used as a...
  • What can Physical Therapy do for Knee Pain?

    What can Physical Therapy do for Knee Pain?

    Knee pain is one of the most common complaints I see in the office, challenging everyday activities such as running, going up and down stairs, or even as simple as getting up and down from a chair. Diagnoses for knee pain vary from patellar tendonitis, to patellofemoral syndrome, to osteoarthritis. In this article, I will discuss knee pain from a purely physical and biomechanical...
  • I am Vaccinated and Boosted and Still Got COVID.  How many times can I get re-infected??

    I am Vaccinated and Boosted and Still Got COVID. How many times can I get re-infected??

    by Edison de Mello, MD, PhD I am Vaccinated and Boosted and Still Got COVID. Can I Get re-infected? If so, How many times?  Summer Travel - How do I travel safely These days?  Number one and two, and three: Get fully vaccinated and Boosted!Undoubtedly, it is the first step toward travel safety, and the next BIG step for safety is to continue following all precautionary...
  • Self-care: from one mother to another

    Self-care: from one mother to another

    Increasingly, women in families are asked to wear many hats in addition to being a mother: primary caregiver, cook, housekeeper, breadwinner, nurse, and more. It is essential for anyone in a caregiver role to practice “self-care.” With the busyness of your every day in mind, we want to remind you of something very important: Don’t forget about yourself. Most everyone agrees that a happy mom makes a happy...
  • The value of home grown food

    The value of home grown food

    In honor of my Mom, I want to write about the gift of planting fruits and vegetables on Mother’s Day.  Since I was a little girl, I remember spending quality time with my mother in the garden.  Despite having a small walkway as our gardening space in Brooklyn, NY, we made the best of it by growing our favorites such as basil and tomatoes....
  • Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer

    Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer

    Developing breast cancer is the number one concern my patients have before starting hormone therapy. There is so much confusion and misinformation regarding hormone therapy and breast cancer. My goal is to educate about the actual risk hormones play in the development of breast cancer so women can approach menopause empowered rather than with fear. I have seen even the most well-intentioned physicians be...
  • DETOX instead of RETOX

    DETOX instead of RETOX

    Ready for spring cleaning with Akasha’s Ultimate Detox and Vitality drips? Do you drink alcohol on the weekends, or have a glass of wine on many nights of the week during dinner?  If you pair this habit with eating fried foods, dairy, lack of exercise and not eating enough vegetables, then this article may help get you on the right track. A great place...
  • Alcohol, Hormones, and Metabolic Health

    Alcohol, Hormones, and Metabolic Health

      Alcohol is probably the single most common variable contributing to difficulty losing weight and hormone imbalance. So many of my patients live a clean lifestyle with organic eating, low sugar intake, healthy amounts of exercise, and meditation BUT may also drink 2-3 drinks 3-5x/week. They do not feel as good as they want and many struggle with hormonal imbalances and difficulty losing weight....
  • The gut microbiome as a contributor to the pandemic

    The gut microbiome as a contributor to the pandemic

      Those of us at the forefront of the fight against COVID -19 have suspected since the beginning of the pandemic that "Long COVID" appeared to be linked to Imbalances of Gut bacteria. An impressive array of studies has now proven that the microbiome, which reflects the variety and volume of bacteria in the gut, is indeed implicated in the severity of COVID and immune...
  • Rainbow Inspiration - Why the rainbow diet is so healthy.

    Rainbow Inspiration - Why the rainbow diet is so healthy.

    The more colors we have in our lives, the more balanced we will feel.  I am sure you have heard about the “rainbow diet”. This is a great way to add lots of colors and different nutrients to your bodies every day.  We can use colors to activate the 7 main chakras as we allow our body systems to move, get energized and balance...
  • Top 5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Health This Year

    Top 5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Health This Year

     The BEST way to improve your health this year is to set Realistic and Sustainable goals.  Setting lofty goals that you can only adhere to for a few weeks is not going to help your overall health.  So, don’t try to add in 2 hours of exercise a day, and don’t try to say you will live on steamed veggies alone.  Choose a Realistic...
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