• Fatigue, Stress, and Hair Loss??

    Fatigue, Stress, and Hair Loss??

    In the fast-paced world we live in, it's no wonder that stress, fatigue, and hair loss have become common companions in our daily lives. Amidst the chaos, our adrenal glands bear the brunt of modern life's demands, leaving us feeling depleted and imbalanced. However, there's a powerful formula that can support your adrenal functions and help you regain control of your well-being. Unlocking the...
  • Acoustic Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

    Acoustic Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

    By Edison de Mello, MD, PhD “During the treatment, a small wand-like device uses targeted sound waves to stimulate penile tissue and encourage blood flow.” What is it? Acoustic Therapy is a modality used to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, primarily applied to chronic conditions, particularly impairing blood -flow to an injured area.  In men, the bulbocavernosus muscle (aka Bulbospongiosus), a muscle of the perineum-...
  • The Power of NAD

    The Power of NAD

    By Edison de Mello, MD, PhD A critical step in DNA to repair cellular aging, NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in every cell in the body and is involved in several diverse metabolic processes. Studies have shown NAD slows the aging process, improves mental clarity, restores neurologic function, and improves the body’s overall health. This natural coenzyme is crucial in maintaining DNA integrity and reversing cellular...
  • The best supplements to take as a woman

    The best supplements to take as a woman

    Women often wear many hats including taking care of the health of everyone who lives under their roof.  In this feat of daily multitasking, sometimes women prioritize their loved ones’ health over their own.  I would like to impart some tips on how women can support their health.  One way to show yourself self-love and respect is to make the effort to prepare healthy...
  • Fibroids: Why They Occur More in Black Women

    Fibroids: Why They Occur More in Black Women

    By Maggie Ney, ND Racism is finally being recognized as a public health emergency. Racism has a direct impact on public health. We know that racism affects mental health, causes psychological distress, increases stress levels, increases anger and feelings of rage, exacerbates chronic diseases, increases inflammation, increases  maternal and infant mortality rates, and reduces overall health outcomes and life expectancy.  We know that 7.6 percent...
  • Stop Middle Age Weight Gain

    Stop Middle Age Weight Gain

    These are my 8 Tips to help you stop menopause weight gain. Estrogen deficiency, the state we find ourselves in once we are in menopause, is associated with insulin resistance and mid center weight gain. Even without changing our exercise routine or diet, women face an increased risk of weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease, just by going through the normal stages of aging. ...
  • Bringing light to LGBTQ health

    Bringing light to LGBTQ health

    Importance of practitioner-patient understanding and communication in LGBTQ health care   In celebration of LGBTQ pride awareness month of June this year, I would like to discuss the importance of LGBTQ health and how it can save lives!  According to health line, the LGBTQ community face discrimination, at home, at work and even by healthcare providers which has been linked to an increase in...
  • High Gay Teen Suicide Rate: How We’re Still Failing Our Vulnerable Youth

    High Gay Teen Suicide Rate: How We’re Still Failing Our Vulnerable Youth

    While recent headlines on NPR screamed, “Nearly half of LGBTQ youth seriously considered suicide,” in Austin, protesters rallied at the Texas State Capitol on May 4, 2021, to stop proposed medical care ban legislation that would criminalize gender-affirming care.  “The Trevor Project estimates that at least one LGBTQ youth between the ages of 13–24 attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the U.S.”  What's wrong...
  • Are Lesbians at higher risk of developing breast cancer?

    Are Lesbians at higher risk of developing breast cancer?

    LGBTQ-specific teachings are very limited in medical schools. This means any additional training is on the onus of the practitioner. One statistic that is often quoted, but not discussed in detail, is that Lesbian women have a higher chance of developing breast cancer. But why?  At this point in the research, the consensus suggests several environmental factors, often coined “cluster of risk factors”, as...
  • Self-care: from one mother to another

    Self-care: from one mother to another

    Increasingly, women in families are asked to wear many hats in addition to being a mother: primary caregiver, cook, housekeeper, breadwinner, nurse, and more. It is essential for anyone in a caregiver role to practice “self-care.” With the busyness of your every day in mind, we want to remind you of something very important: Don’t forget about yourself. Most everyone agrees that a happy mom makes a happy...
  • Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer

    Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer

    Developing breast cancer is the number one concern my patients have before starting hormone therapy. There is so much confusion and misinformation regarding hormone therapy and breast cancer. My goal is to educate about the actual risk hormones play in the development of breast cancer so women can approach menopause empowered rather than with fear. I have seen even the most well-intentioned physicians be...
  • Alcohol, Hormones, and Metabolic Health

    Alcohol, Hormones, and Metabolic Health

      Alcohol is probably the single most common variable contributing to difficulty losing weight and hormone imbalance. So many of my patients live a clean lifestyle with organic eating, low sugar intake, healthy amounts of exercise, and meditation BUT may also drink 2-3 drinks 3-5x/week. They do not feel as good as they want and many struggle with hormonal imbalances and difficulty losing weight....
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