New Year, Better Memory - Keep your short-term memory sharp as a tack!
Misplacing little items lately? It’s no wonder since everything from Stress and Menopause to fatigue can lead to forgetfulness! The good news: These simple tricks can keep your short-term memory as sharp as ever. CLEARING ONE’S MIND OF DETAILS Short-term memory is like the brain’s notepad—and if we become overwhelmed with life’s little daily stresses we fill its pages up fast. What do... -
Fatigue, Stress, and Hair Loss??
In the fast-paced world we live in, it's no wonder that stress, fatigue, and hair loss have become common companions in our daily lives. Amidst the chaos, our adrenal glands bear the brunt of modern life's demands, leaving us feeling depleted and imbalanced. However, there's a powerful formula that can support your adrenal functions and help you regain control of your well-being. Unlocking the... -
Do Greens Powder Actually Work?
Yes, they do. Although greens powders cannot replace the nutritional benefits you get from consuming fresh whole foods, scientific evidence shows greens powder can be a great way to supplement a healthy diet with a boost of extra vitamins and antioxidants for those too busy to consume a daily recommended number of fresh fruits and vegetables. Or those who simply do not like their... -
Integrative Mental Health Care - A Better way to feel Better
by Edison de Mello, Md, PhD The Integrative medicine approach to care combines the best of two worlds: The technologically rich Traditional Medicine with the wisdom-rich Functional and Complementary therapies to address the root cause of disease and promote wellness. An impressive body of research has shown that integrative medicine can effectively treat both physical and mental health challenges by addressing the mind-body axis. ... -
The Power of NAD
By Edison de Mello, MD, PhD A critical step in DNA to repair cellular aging, NAD, short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a coenzyme found in every cell in the body and is involved in several diverse metabolic processes. Studies have shown NAD slows the aging process, improves mental clarity, restores neurologic function, and improves the body’s overall health. This natural coenzyme is crucial in maintaining DNA integrity and reversing cellular... -
Insomnia – Is Your Over-thinking and Over-doing Getting the Best of You?
A good night sleep is essential to clear thinking, more and deeper compassion towards yourself and others, less engaging of the mind and more heart-felt connections and hence better health. As we enter a new year, I wanted to reprint an article on insomnia I wrote a few years ago. Nothing much has changed since then, just more and more medication on the market trying... -
Breathing with Buddha
by Gina Galvez, MS, PA-C Many people find it challenging to “meditate” on their own. Our minds are pumping thoughts out all day, making meditation difficult to concentrate on. Perhaps indigestion or knee pain interfere with your ability to meditate. This is where mindfulness can be of great use. When you take a moment out of your day to focus on what hurts and... -
Do you experience fatigue and digestive problems?
The Connection Between Gut Health and Energy Levels Your gut health influences much more in your life than just your digestion. It’s connected to your immune system, metabolic function, and mental health. Get ready to discover the secrets to increasing and sustaining your energy levels NATURALLY. Whether you’re a professional athlete, weekend warrior, busy professional or a parent on the go, knowing... -
Should I Give My Child Melatonin for Better Sleep?
Picture this: It's 2 AM when you once again get awoken by your child's complainant that they cannot get back to sleep. You’ve had a long day, are exhausted, know that tomorrow is likely going to be another busy day - and you're not at your wit's end, given that this has been happening more often than you care to admit. You do your... -
DETOX instead of RETOX
Ready for spring cleaning with Akasha’s Ultimate Detox and Vitality drips? Do you drink alcohol on the weekends, or have a glass of wine on many nights of the week during dinner? If you pair this habit with eating fried foods, dairy, lack of exercise and not eating enough vegetables, then this article may help get you on the right track. A great place... -
Alcohol, Hormones, and Metabolic Health
Alcohol is probably the single most common variable contributing to difficulty losing weight and hormone imbalance. So many of my patients live a clean lifestyle with organic eating, low sugar intake, healthy amounts of exercise, and meditation BUT may also drink 2-3 drinks 3-5x/week. They do not feel as good as they want and many struggle with hormonal imbalances and difficulty losing weight.... -
The gut microbiome as a contributor to the pandemic
Those of us at the forefront of the fight against COVID -19 have suspected since the beginning of the pandemic that "Long COVID" appeared to be linked to Imbalances of Gut bacteria. An impressive array of studies has now proven that the microbiome, which reflects the variety and volume of bacteria in the gut, is indeed implicated in the severity of COVID and immune...