• Fasting during Chemotherapy & Other Chronic Illnesses

    Fasting during Chemotherapy & Other Chronic Illnesses

    by Dr. Edison de Mello It Boosts Immunity & It likely minimizes the side effects of chemotherapy, making it more effective. Let's start by describing the difference between calorie restriction (CR) versus intermittent fasting (IF). Calorie restriction involves limiting food consumption, while fasting involves not eating for varying lengths of time. A vast body of research shows that fasting has been used as a...
  • Eating Sustainably - our habits and the health of the planet

    Eating Sustainably - our habits and the health of the planet

    What we eat, the way we eat, and how we eat are choices that can directly impact our physiology and the health of the planet. I believe that healthy living happens when we understand that we are all interconnected. We are at our best when we live in syntony with the natural environment. Promoting a sustainable relationship between our habits and the health of...
  • Bringing light to LGBTQ health

    Bringing light to LGBTQ health

    Importance of practitioner-patient understanding and communication in LGBTQ health care   In celebration of LGBTQ pride awareness month of June this year, I would like to discuss the importance of LGBTQ health and how it can save lives!  According to health line, the LGBTQ community face discrimination, at home, at work and even by healthcare providers which has been linked to an increase in...
  • High Gay Teen Suicide Rate: How We’re Still Failing Our Vulnerable Youth

    High Gay Teen Suicide Rate: How We’re Still Failing Our Vulnerable Youth

    While recent headlines on NPR screamed, “Nearly half of LGBTQ youth seriously considered suicide,” in Austin, protesters rallied at the Texas State Capitol on May 4, 2021, to stop proposed medical care ban legislation that would criminalize gender-affirming care.  “The Trevor Project estimates that at least one LGBTQ youth between the ages of 13–24 attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the U.S.”  What's wrong...
  • Should I Give My Child Melatonin for Better Sleep?

    Should I Give My Child Melatonin for Better Sleep?

    Picture this:   It's 2 AM when you once again get awoken by your child's complainant that they cannot get back to sleep. You’ve had a long day, are exhausted, know that tomorrow is likely going to be another busy day -  and you're not at your wit's end, given that this has been happening more often than you care to admit. You do your...
  • Check your Posture and be Mindful this Holiday!

    Check your Posture and be Mindful this Holiday!

    The holiday season can be a stressful time between gift shopping, traveling, and cooking to name but a few. High stress levels and out-of-the-ordinary physical activities can be a recipe for injuries, and who wants injuries during the holiday season (or ever)? I would love for each and every one to enjoy a fun, pain-free holiday season filled with an abundance of joy and...
  • “Thinking in Abundance” –  Woo Woo or Truth?

    “Thinking in Abundance” – Woo Woo or Truth?

    If you have dabbled at all in self-help or new age literature, you have likely come across the idea of an “abundant mindset”.  If you are quick to toss self-help and new age concepts into the woo-woo trash, let me ask you to pause and take a closer look at the wisdom embedded within the abundant mindset.  An Internal Battle Between Abundance (Hope) and...
  • The Art of Gratitude

    The Art of Gratitude

    Pause. Breathe. And appreciate the small things.  Gratitude is the practice of observing the things in our lives that we are grateful for, things that make we feel appreciation. It can be triggered by simply recognizing the positive things around you.   When we feel grateful, we usually also feel happy, calm, loving and joyful. Gratitude leads to feelings of pleasure and contentment, which positively...
  • Why do we experience pain?

    Why do we experience pain?

    Pain is a protective system. You experience pain when your brain concludes that your body or your tissues are in danger and something needs to change. This needed change could be your movement patterns, your activity level, even (and maybe most importantly) your thought patterns or attitudes. Your pain is such a powerful protective mechanism that it is always steering you in the direction...
  • Put on your Game Face to Make Health Changes

    Put on your Game Face to Make Health Changes

    Just getting psyched is not enough. Both commitment and skills are necessary to make changes and follow through on them. Naturally, the first step is to really nail down your goal and expectations. Your goal should be clear and measurable and realistic – not drop 30lbs in a month or stop being angry with your children. With regard to expectations, people do not magically...
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